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Kean University


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Kean Athletes Playing Their Best in Upgraded Facilities

Kean Athletes Playing Their Best in Upgraded Facilities

Kean has made improvements to many of its athletic facilities, including Harwood Arena, the track at Alumni Stadium, baseball and softball fields and more, and student-athletes and coaches say it's helping Kean’s sports teams excel.

Natural Classrooms at Kean Skylands

Natural Classrooms at Kean Skylands

Panoramic views from floor-to-ceiling windows offer a unique learning experience for Kean Skylands students. Check out the award-winning building affectionately known as “The Cabin.”
New Bloomberg Terminals at Kean

New Bloomberg Terminals at Kean

Kean University students are gaining the edge by getting hands-on training on the Bloomberg Terminal, the industry-standard software for finance professionals, and earning Bloomberg Market Concepts credentials.
Uniform Reveal for Kean Winter Sports

Uniform Reveal for Kean Winter Sports

All new uniforms for winter sports at Kean are here. Check out the new threads our teams are wearing.

Kean Biology Student Is a Viral TikTok Star

Kean Biology Student Is a Viral TikTok Star

Luis Duval studies biology at Kean but gets recognized on campus most often for being a TikTok star with more than 2 million followers.
21-Year-Old Entrepreneur from Kean Launches First Business

21-Year-Old Entrepreneur from Kean Launches First Business

As the fitness industry recovers from a devastating pandemic, 21-year-old Kean Ocean business student Brandon Lombardo opens his first brick-and-mortar health shop.

Immersive Virtual Environment Opens at Kean

Immersive Virtual Environment Opens at Kean

The new Visualization and Immersive Studio for Education and Research (VISER) at the University breaks down the four walls of the classroom and offers Kean students a new learning experience.
Spotted Lanternfly – Why Is It So Bad?

Spotted Lanternfly – Why Is It So Bad?

A Kean researcher is working with students to understand how the destructive spotted lanternfly, a plant-hopping insect indigenous to parts of China, India and Vietnam, is spreading across New Jersey.
Kean Homecoming Draws Spirited Cougar Crowd

Kean Homecoming Draws Spirited Cougar Crowd

The Kean community came out in force to celebrate Homecoming with a festive campus carnival, football and a chance for Kean students, alumni, family and friends to reconnect.
Kean University Installs First Black President

Kean University Installs First Black President

Kean University President Lamont O. Repollet, Ed.D., a Kean alumnus and former Kean Trustee, was installed as the 18th leader and first Black President of the University in a campuswide ceremony attended by Kean faculty and students, state lawmakers, presidents of other colleges and universities across New Jersey, and family and friends.