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Kean University

Jing-Chiou Liou Named 2017 Graduate Faculty Award Winner

a group of people posing for a photo

Computer Science Professor Jing-Chiou Liou, Ph.D., was awarded the Nathan Weiss Graduate College 2017 Excellence in Graduate Faculty Award on Thursday, May 25. The award recognizes outstanding research achievements and leadership at the national, local and regional levels. A dedicated teacher for over 13 years, Liou continues to challenge his students and himself in the pursuit of excellence.

“At the graduate level, I truly believe that learning should be in the student’s own hands,” said Liou. “My aim is not only to meet the learning outcomes stated in the course description, but also to provide an education that enables students to expand their knowledge of the subject beyond the classroom.”

A graduate of National Taiwan University and New Jersey Institute of Technology, Liou is a dedicated mentor and published researcher. Liou has professional experience in software engineering, information technology, telecommunication networking and various other technology fields. Kean recently filed a U.S provisional patent application on Liou’s behalf for a cybersecurity measure designed to protect new systems and software, including touch screens. He teaches graduate level courses on software assurance, cloud computing and digital forensics.

In 2014, Liou and his graduate students developed Smart Parking System, a mobile app designed to expedite the search for campus parking. They collaborated with Kean’s campus police and facilities department on the project and presented their findings to the Kean University Board of Trustees.

“I always encourage students to think of their own ways to reach a desired end result and to challenge my knowledge of the subject with their own. I invite my students to think outside the box,” said Liou.