Mindful Moments
Mindful Moments meets on Wednesdays from 12:15pm-12:45pm in the Kean Psychological Services (KPS) Family Room.
KPS is located on the East Campus (Room 138). The Family Room is the last door on the left of the hallway.
Members of the Kean community are invited to join and all ranges of practice experience are welcome.
Please contact dynann@kean.edu if you'd like to be added to the weekly mailing list.

Mindfulness practice can take many forms. Any time we intentionally bring our attention to aspects of our present moment experience with curiosity and kindness, we are practicing mindfulness. Sessions will vary. The last session of the month will usually be a silent practice.
Often when we make time to attend to our present moment experiences, a range of emotions arise. If we can make space for whatever arises, we may find that we are able to see more clearly in terms of what is important to us and to take steps, moment by moment, consistent with what matters most.
Suggestions and feedback will help us to evolve as a community. Feel free to contact any member of the planning team, for more information.
Mindful Moments Planning Team
Jennifer Block Lerner, Associate Professor and Director, Psy.D. Program – jlerner@kean.edu
Nicholas Dynan, Doctoral Student, Psy.D. Program – dynann@kean.edu
Donald Marks, Associate Professor and Director of Clinical Training, Psy.D. Program – domarks@kean.edu