Research and Internship Opportunities
Research First Initiative
Through our Research First Initiative (RFI), we are transforming the way that science and mathematics are taught by enabling students to join faculty-sponsored research teams and learn through actual laboratory experience. The School of Integrative Science and Technology (IST) is also partnered with the Institute for Life Science Entrepreneurship (ILSE), providing our students with unique opportunities to engage with emerging biotech companies for an authentic industry research experience.

Mentored Independent Research
Students who complete the two-course sequence of RFI may continue their research activities independently by performing a laboratory, field or theoretical investigation of a research problem under supervision of a faculty member. Students conducting independent research continue to accumulate credits toward their major.
Summer Scholars Research Program
IST offers a 6-week, hands-on authentic research experience aimed at attracting and developing talented students from high school, who are interested in pursuing an education in a STEM field.
Upon entering the program students are divided into small research teams that are paired with a faculty mentor conducting actual scientific research.