Exercise Science (M.S.)
Professionals in exercise science work to help people live healthier lives. At Kean, your commitment to health, fitness and physical rehabilitation is put into practice in state-of-the-art facilities.
Kean's Exercise Science program provides you with the knowledge and skills necessary to understand what works for your clients. You apply the latest research and adapt techniques to get the best results for the people you serve.
The program also offers professionals in the field the opportunity to enhance their abilities and advance to leadership positions. Enrolled students can select research or practical as their area of focus.

Health, nutrition and fitness are all components of the master's degree program in exercise science.
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Kean's exercise science program prepared me to be an exceptional coach. And as much as anyone talks about how nice Kean's facilities are, it's the people who make it great.
Graduates of Kean's exercise science program find positions as:
Corporate health promotion specialists
Strength coaches — high school, university and professional level
Clinical exercise physiologist specialists -- at hospitals and rehabilitation centers
Sports performance coaches at sports medicine centers
Personal trainers at health clubs
Lecturers or assistant professors of exercise science, at the community college and/or university level
Employment of exercise physiologists is projected to grow 13 percent by 2026, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Average salary with an M.S. degree in exercise science
Many opportunities for internships are available, with New York and New Jersey professional sports teams, hospitals, sports performance centers, clinical experiences and corporations.

Students have the opportunity to attend, and take part in, professional conferences in the field.

Kean University is a registered Exercise is Medicine® On Campus organization. Exercise is Medicine® on Campus calls upon universities and colleges to become engaged in the promotion of physical activity as a vital sign of health; the EIM Solution. The EIM Solution aims to link the clinic to the community in combating today’s most common chronic conditions through physical activity. The university/college setting is seen as the microcosm that can help bring both together in accomplishing this goal.
EIM on Campus is designed to engage universities and colleges, their students, faculty, and staff in ongoing efforts to improve physical fitness, health and wellness across campus.
For more information or to get involved please contact:
Adam Eckart, MS, CSCS, ACSM-EIM
Program Coordinator, B.S. Exercise Science

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