NJ Premiere of 9/11 Investigation Documentary to Be Held at Kean

Are We Safer Today? chronicles the work of the 9/11 Commission on the 20th anniversary of the Commission’s formation.
Kean University will commemorate the anniversary of 9/11 with the New Jersey premiere of "Are We Safer Today?," a documentary that tells the story of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States, known as the 9/11 Commission. The Commission investigated the deadly terror attacks of September 11, 2001.

The 90-minute documentary will be shown at Kean’s North Avenue Academic Building on Sunday, September 11, from 1:30-5 p.m. The free screening will be followed by a Q&A session, featuring former New Jersey Governor Tom Kean, chairman of the 9/11 Commission, and other members of the Commission.
“Kean University is honored and proud to present this documentary that contributes to our understanding of one of the most tragic days in American history,” said Kean President Lamont O. Repollet, Ed.D. “The 9/11 Commission’s work stands as a model of bipartisanship for all of us today. We are grateful to former New Jersey Governor Tom Kean for leading this important task – and for joining us at the premiere of this historic film.”
The 9/11 Commission was formed 20 years ago on November 27, 2002 to investigate the al-Qaeda terrorist plot that killed nearly 3,000 people at the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and in Stonycreek Township, Pennsylvania. Family members of those who died were instrumental in calling for the creation of the Commission.
"The documentary tells the story of how the 9/11 Commission came together to find answers, make recommendations, and address the concerns of grieving Americans who lost loved ones on one of the darkest days in American history," said former New Jersey Governor Tom Kean. "It is a privilege to be part of this important project and to have worked in a bipartisan manner to chair the commission for the American people."
Kean University’s Human Rights Institute is sponsoring the event, which is free and open to the public and includes a reception and refreshments.
"The tragic events of September 11th had a deep impact on New Jersey, our entire region and country. The bipartisan work of the 9/11 Commission highlights how Americans of different views can come together in response to national tragedy for our common good," said Kean Senior Vice President and Special Counsel Felice K. Vazquez, Esq. "The Human Rights Institute at Kean University is proud to host the New Jersey premiere of Are We Safer Today?."
Are We Safer Today? was written, produced and created by Naptown Media in Indianapolis. It will be shown in full for the first time at Kean and will air on public television beginning in late November.
"The work of the 9/11 Commission was extraordinary. They addressed systemic problems in the government's preparedness, and they did it in a bipartisan manner,” said Bob Massie, the documentary’s executive producer. “It is important for this and future generations to see a sterling example of how, in response to a national tragedy and in times of intense partisanship, a group of partisan leaders can come together for the good of the country.”
The documentary project also includes the compilation of oral histories from 9/11 commissioners and their staff, a high school curriculum, and a podcast that will be available in September.
To attend Kean University’s screening of Are We Safer Today?, the Q&A session and reception, RSVP at https://bit.ly/AreWeSafer. For more information, visit the Kean Human Rights Institute online or call (908) 737-4670.