Internship FAQ's

How do I find an internship?
There are many places to find an internship. Internships can be found through professors, personal contacts, websites, and by reaching out directly to employers. Kean's Handshake Portal lists numerous internship opportunities in every major. Other popular sites for internship opportunities include:, and You can also consider completing a shorter, micro internships as well. Once you've identified an internship opportunity you can apply on your own or work with Career Services on your resume and application.
Now that I secured an internship how do I register for for academic credit?
Academic credit is not guaranteed, approval must be granted before the internship starts. After receiving an official offer, register your internship through Kean’s Online Employment & Internship Portal. All internships are reviewed by Career Services and your Academic Department to determine if the criteria to receive credit has been met. If your placement does not meet the criteria, you may be registered for a non-credit internship which will still appear on your Co-Curricular Transcript. Don't forget to consider micro internships as well.
When is the last day I can register my internship for academic credit?
Be advised that in order to earn academic credit for your internship, you MUST register your internships through Kean's Online Employment & Internship Portal. Registering for an internship course follows the same schedule as other courses at Kean University. Your last chance to register for the semester is also the last day to register for the Internship Course; and add/drop period is the same as well. The process of approval may take a few days, so submit all internship paperwork as soon as possible. Nevertheless, be sure to contact Career Services with all opportunities at all times.

How many credits can I receive for my internship?
In order to receive credit for an internship experience you must submit your internship through our portal. There are 1, 2 and 3 credit internships. You must register for the course that corresponds with the credits and complete the hours associated with that course.
Can I complete an internship this semester and register for the course next semester?
No, credit can only be earned in the semester that the internship is taking place.
Can I get credit for an internship I completed in the past?
No, credit can not be granted for past internships. Approval must be received prior to starting the internship.
Do the internship courses require academic work?
Most of the work takes place in the field. You will be required to attend Internship Essentials, a lecture to help your survive and thrive in your internship. Required assignments vary based on your major. Contact your academic program or Career Services for information at or (908) 737-0320.
Can I complete an internship in the Summer or Winter Semesters?
Yes. Hours and credits will vary based on the length of the internship.
How many hours at the internship site are required for the Internship Course?
Number of Credits |
Minimum Working Hours |
1 |
40 |
2 |
80 |
3 |
120 |
Can I use my job as an internship?
No, you cannot use a paid position as an academic internship experience. However, you can use a different department within your current employer to fulfill the academic internship requirements. You must perform all of your internship hours within a different department from where you are employed. In addition, you must be performing significantly different duties and responsibilities, and you must have a different assigned supervisor for your internship experience then your work experience. This arrangement must be discussed and approved by the Career Services team and/or your faculty advisor.

Can I use a paid internship for credit?
Yes, you can. Paid internships can be used to fulfill the requirements of an internship for credit. Don't forget to consider micro internships as well.
What if I don’t find an internship site prior to the beginning of the semester?
Begin your search early. Career Services can assist in finding an internship. If the semester begins and you have not secured an internship, reach out to Career Services.
What if I don’t finish my internship hours during the semester?
Internship hours and assignments are to be completed during the semester. If you are unable to complete hours or assignments, you may not pass the course. In these instances, it is important to speak with your University Supervisor immediately to discuss your options.