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Kean University

Iyad Ghanim studies speech perception, language processing, and word access primarily in bilinguals. He uses predominantly experimental methods, including lexical decision and priming tasks, and neurophysiological measures like event-related potentials (ERPs). He is currently exploring how bilinguals use contextual information to help in language processing when the acoustic input is degraded. The impact of this work is in modeling bilingual language structure. With this, we aim to develop more strategic approaches to working with bilinguals receiving language therapy.


  • M.A., Linguistics, 2016
  • Ph.D., Communication Sciences & Disorders, 2021


  • CDD 2254 - Phonetics
  • CDD 5298 - Advanced Seminar in Research in Speech Language Pathology
  • CDD 6298 - Doctoral Seminar in Research Design & Methodology
  • CDD 71110 - Statistics