Cougar Link Overview
Access Cougar Link
Cougar Link is an online resource for all of Kean University's student groups, organizations, community service opportunities and events. Login to Cougar Link using your Kean Google username and password to access all of the content. Start exploring how you can get involved and connected today!
Here are some helpful links to get you started:
Cougar Link
What is Cougar Link?
Cougar Link is Kean University's online student group management and extracurricular involvement tracking system.
In January 2010, Kean University partnered with Collegiate Link, a subsidiary of Campus Labs, to establish an online student involvement tracking system for the University. Through the partnership with Collegiate Link, Kean University is able to offer the following tools and services to its students and recognized student organizations through Cougar Link:
- Online presence for every recognized student organization or club that enables prospective members to identify which organization is best for them and how to join.
- Online Co-Curricular Transcript (CCT) program – just by interacting with the Cougar Link system, every Kean University student will begin populating their Co-Curricular Transcript with their involvement.
- Students interested in finding out about events on campus can just simply view the Cougar Link flyer board, an online digital bulletin board filled with student organization or club activities. Utilizing the event functions allows students to RSVP and add the event information to an external calendar software, and will allow student participants to reflect and provide feedback of their participation.
- Student organizations and clubs may communicate with their organization’s members internally without having to look up email addresses or phone numbers. Messages sent within Cougar Link from organization executive boards are sent directly to the member’s inbox.
- Organizations may hold online student elections to fill positions within their executive boards or just vote on actions of the organization.
- And much more…
Who Uses Cougar Link?
Kean University students are the primary users of Cougar Link. Through various organizational administrative roles, students manage most of the content within Cougar Link. Cougar Link provides all Kean University students with a gateway to involvement opportunities and allows them to document participation and their learning.
Student Organizations and Clubs
Student organizations and clubs are the "backbone" of Cougar Link. The majority of the content and information available within Cougar Link is submitted by students serving in organizational leadership roles. Through the management of their organizations, students can keep in constant communication with their organization’s members, post events for other students to participate in, confirm members and involvement that translates to a student's Co-Curricular Transcript (CCT) and much more. Cougar Link streamlines many of the organization processes and provides tools for student organization and club leaders to efficiently manage their organizations.
Kean University Departments
Similarly to how student organization or club leaders utilize Cougar Link, Kean University faculty and staff members may utilize the many benefits of Cougar Link to promote their departments and their events. Behind the scenes, Cougar Link allows Kean University to track involvement in a way like never before. Cougar Link saves time and resources by centralizing involvement opportunities and providing assessment tools to measure student engagement and learning outcomes.
For More Information
For more information about Cougar Link or if you are in need of assistance, please email