Greek Life
Greek Life at Kean
Greek Life at Kean University empowers members of the Greek-letter organization to promote and preserve the ideals of scholarship, service leadership, campus involvement, and brotherhood/sisterhood. Membership in Greek organizations promotes personal development and a strong sense of identity with the institution, as well as post-graduate association. Greek chapters enhance the quality of life for students on and off campus by providing a range of opportunities for meaningful individual involvement and growth.
Fraternities and sororities can offer a rich and rewarding experience for those who choose to affiliate. In general, Greek letter organizations provide the following:
- Strengthening of Leadership Skills
- Development of Interpersonal Skills
- Assistance in Orientation to College Life
- Teaching Cooperation and Citizenship
- Encouraging Scholarship
- Promoting Community Service Work
At the beginning of each fall and spring semester, a “Meet the Greeks” event takes place to showcase all the Greek organizations at Kean. This event allows students who are interested in Greek life to walk around a casual environment and ask questions. Information about each Greek-letter organization is available through the Center for Leadership and Service, located in Miron Student Center, Room 219, or within Cougar Link.

The Greek Letter Community
Kean University has a wide variety of fraternities and sororities in which students can become involved. Each organization maintains its own traditions, history and personality. However, in general, Greek organizations:
- Provide leadership and business training
- Develop interpersonal skills
- Assist in orientation to University life
- Teach cooperative living
- Encourage scholarship
- Promote community service work
The purpose of fraternities and sororities at Kean University is fourfold:
- Greek – to acquaint students with the goals and traditions of our Greek organizations.
- Leadership – to acquaint and sharpen skills needed to successfully run and sustain a Greek letter organization by providing an environment conducive to the free exchange of ideas.
- Scholastic – to ensure higher degrees of scholastic achievement by providing an atmosphere conducive to intellectual progress.
- Social – to present to our members a more diversified social curriculum by sponsoring numerous mixers, outings, dances, and athletic events
- Community – to harbor ideals of community involvement by assisting such groups as the Red Cross, American Cancer Society, American Heart Association, Adopt-A-Highway, St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital and the New Jersey Special Olympics.
Greek life can be described by the following equation:
- Leadership
- Brotherhood/Sisterhood
- Scholarship
- Community Service
- Social Life
Membership in fraternities and sororities is open to all Kean University students. Membership is selective, but not as to race, creed, color, or national origin. If you are interested in becoming a member of a fraternity or sorority, we encourage you to attend the "Meet the Greeks" program which is held at the beginning of each semester. In addition, each fraternity and sorority will hold individual information programs throughout the year.
Greek New Member Education Guidelines
Statement of Position on Hazing and Pre-Initiation Activities, as Adopted from the Fraternity Executives Association
". . . a fraternity/sorority has a solemn obligation in the development of its (new members) and members and that this responsibility extends alike to the institutions where it is represented; to the parents and others who make possible the education of (new members) and members; to the communities where chapters are accountable for good citizenship; and to the university fraternity/sorority system of which it is a part."
". . . despite the fact that much progress has been made, one of the most damaging instruments to the fraternity/sorority system is the employment of a program of education, which includes hazing, and that this unproductive, ridiculous and hazardous custom has no rightful place in the fraternity/sorority system."
For more information, refer to the Kean University Hazing Policy.
Reporting a Hazing Concern
To report a concern about actual or perceived hazing, please email stophazing@kean.edu.
New Jersey State Criminal Statute
2C:40-3 —Hazing
A person is guilty of hazing, a disorderly persons offense, if, in connection with initiation of applicants to or members of a student or fraternal organization, he knowingly or recklessly organizes, promotes, facilitates or engages in any conduct, other than competitive athletic events, which places or may place another person in danger or bodily injury.
A person is guilty of aggravated hazing; a crime of the fourth degree, if he commits an act prohibited in subsection a. which results in serious bodily injury to another person.
2C:40-4 — Consent
Notwithstanding any other provision of Title 2C of the New Jersey Statutes to the contrary, consent shall not be applicable as a defense to a prosecution under this Act. (Added by L 1980, chap. 169(2); eff. 12/18/80).
2C:40-5 — Prosecution
Conduct constituting an offense under this Act may, at the discretion of the prosecuting attorney, be prosecuted under any other applicable provision of Title 2C of the New Jersey Statutes. (Added by L. 1980, chpt. 169(3); eff. 12/18/80).
*(Added by L. 1980, chpt. 169(1); eff. 12/18/80). (rev. ‘84) 141-a)
The Greek Senate
The Greek Senate is advised and supported by the Center for Leadership and Service. It promotes cooperation between all Greek organizations through various activities and programs. Greek Senate also serves as the governing body and develops standards, policies and procedures relating to Greek affairs. Greek Senate can be reached through the Center for Leadership and Service, located in Miron Student Center, Room 219, or by emailing greeks@kean.edu.
Pan-Hellenic Council of Kean University
The Pan-Hellenic Council promotes the unification of the nine major historically Black Greek-letter organizations. It provides services to the University and surrounding communities. It promotes academic excellence and the overall image of its member organizations.
Sororities |
Fraternities |
The Panhellenic Association of Kean University
The Panhellenic Association was established at Kean University to promote unity among the national sororities. Currently Kean has two national sororities, Delta Phi Epsilon and Theta Phi Alpha. The Panhellenic Association is a nationally recognized organization that coordinates policies and procedures that govern all twenty-six of the National Panhellenic sororities.
The National Order of Omega
The National Order of Omega has been a national honor society since 1967, and has chapters on many campuses across the country. Kean University inducted their 20 chartering members in 1994 under the name Xi Gamma Chapter of the Order of Omega. Since the chapter’s induction in 1994 the honorary has inducted additional members. The National Order of Omega is open to juniors and seniors who have achieved a 2.75 or higher grade point average and are members of a Greek-letter organization.
Xi Gamma Chapter
The Order of Omega is a very prestigious honor society, and is searching for men and women who represent the true ideals of Greek Life! In addition to a GPA of 2.75 or higher, the Order of Omega places a great emphasis on community and campus involvement.
Greek Olympics
Greek Olympics is an annual Spring Semester event. The Greek Organizations at Kean show Greek unity by coming together to compete in various athletic and non-athletic events such as volleyball, ping pong, Greek sing and relay races.
For a listing of Greek Olympics events, please visit Cougar Link in March.