3-Pronged Path to Graduation and Certification
The path to GRADUATION and CERTIFICATION requires you to follow a 3-pronged path including the curriculum in your Academic Major, the curriculum in the Education program, and meet State of New Jersey certification requirements all at the same time.
It is essential:
That you work on all 3 prongs at the same time,
That you DO NOT ATTEMPT to do 1 prong at a time,
And that you seek advising and information from all members of your success team.
So you must seek advising from both your 1st major faculty advisor and 2nd major faculty advisor EVERY SEMESTER. (Exceptions: Fine Arts, Music, Theatre, Spanish)
I TRANSFERRED to Kean with my Associates Degree. How do I start this curriculum?
How do I start the curriculum as a TRANSFER student?
You should reach out to BOTH your Academic Major Faculty Advisor AND your Education Advisor as soon as you are admitted to plan your courses for the upcoming semester.
If you have not already done so, you should register for and pass PRAXIS CORE exams Reading (Test #5712) 156 or higher; Writing (Test #5722) 162 or higher; Math (Test 5732) 150 or higher.

Academic Major Curriculum | Education Curriculum | Certification |
Take classes according to your curriculum guide. | Take classes according to your curriculum guide—the Education Curriculum is VERY SEQUENCED |
Follow timeline for meeting certification benchmarks: PRAXIS CORE PRAXIS II Clinical Experience and Practice edTPA Certification |

1st Major Faculty Advisor | 2nd Major Faculty Advisor | This includes the Kean College of Education Faculty and Staff who work with you to place you in your Clinical courses and help you complete the edTPA requirements to demonstrate your proficiency in the classroom. |
Linda Costanza Cahir, English and K-12 Coordinator Barbara Lee, all K-12 TSD Jerry Weiner, Social Studies Thomas Walsh, Math/Science Joseph Amorino, Fine Arts Lynn Schraer-Joiner, Music Rachel Evans, Theatre Gregory Shepherd, Spanish |
Office of Clinical Practice and Teacher Placement edTPA: Sehba Mahmood, Ph.D, Coordinator

Academic Major Curriculum | Education Curriculum | Certification |
Accepted at Kean as “INTENDED” BA Academic Major/K-12 Teacher Cert Major |
Accepted at Kean as “INTENDED” BA Academic Major/K-12 Teacher Cert Major |
— |

Academic Major Curriculum | Education Curriculum | Certification |
Take courses as suggested on Curriculum Sheet/4-year Plan for your Intended Academic Major. Maintain MINIMUM GPA 3.0 Complete (in Fall or Spring of Freshman or Sophomore Year) ENG 1030 (minimum B-) COMM 1402 (minimum B-) BIO 1000 (minimum C) MATH 1000 or above (minimum C) |
Take courses as suggested on Curriculum Sheet/4-year Plan. Apply through Education Advisor to formally “Declare” Major when PRAXIS CORE is passed |
Pass PRAXIS CORE before completion of EMSE 2801 (Spring of Sophomore Year) Praxis Core is an academic skills test where you are evaluated on Reading, Writing, and Math proficiency. It is recommended that you take Praxis Core any time prior to completion of EMSE 2801. You can take Praxis Core as early as freshman year, but no later than the semester prior to declaration. You must pass PRAXIS CORE before starting Education Curriculum with minimum scores outlined below:
NOTE: PRAXIS exams are not free. Expect to pay $90 for Reading, Writing, and Math EACH, or $150 for all three. PRAXIS Study Resources: |

Academic Major Curriculum | Education Curriculum | Certification |
Take courses as suggested on Curriculum Sheet/4-year Plan for your Intended Academic Major. Maintain MINIMUM GPA 3.0 Complete (in Fall or Spring of Freshman or Sophomore Year) ENG 1030 (minimum B-) COMM 1402 (minimum B-) BIO 1000 (minimum C) MATH 1000 or above (minimum C) |
Take courses as suggested on Curriculum Sheet/4-year Plan. Apply through Education Advisor to formally “Declare” Major when PRAXIS CORE is passed |
Pass PRAXIS CORE before completion of EMSE 2801 (Spring of Sophomore Year) See above for explanation and resources. |

Academic Major Curriculum | Education Curriculum | Certification |
Use Summer to re-take any first-year courses not passed. |
Pass PRAXIS CORE (if not already done) |
See above |

If you answered YES to this question, you can apply for your Substitute Teacher Certification at this link: Application for Substitute Teacher Certification

If you answered YES to ALL of these questions, schedule an appointment with your EDUCATION advisor at which time you will DECLARE via Change of Undergraduate Major/Minor Status Form.

Academic Major Curriculum |
Education Curriculum | Certification |
Take courses as suggested on Curriculum Sheet/4-year Plan for your Intended Academic Major (English, History, etc). Maintain MINIMUM GPA 3.0 Complete (in Fall or Spring of Freshman or Sophomore Year) ENG 1030 (minimum B-) COMM 1402 (minimum B-) BIO 1000 (minimum C) MATH 1000 or above (minimum C |
Take courses as suggested on Curriculum Sheet/4-year Plan including: EMSE 2801: Sophomore Field (Fall or Spring) ID 2052: Human Exceptionality (Fall or Spring) PSY 2110: Adolescent Psychology (Fall or Spring) Apply through Education Advisor to formally “Declare” Major when PRAXIS CORE is passed: |
Pass PRAXIS CORE before completion of EMSE 2801 (Spring of Sophomore Year) (see above links and resources) Apply for Substitute Teacher Certification |

Academic Major Curriculum | Education Curriculum | Certification |
Take courses as suggested on Curriculum Sheet/4-year Plan for your Intended Academic Major (English, History, etc). Maintain MINIMUM GPA 3.0 Complete (in Fall or Spring of Freshman or Sophomore Year) ENG 1030 (minimum B-) COMM 1402 (minimum B-) BIO 1000 (minimum C) MATH 1000 or above (minimum C) |
Take courses as suggested on Curriculum Sheet/4-year Plan including: EMSE 2801: Sophomore Field (Fall or Spring) ID 2052: Human Exceptionality (Fall or Spring) PSY 2110: Adolescent Psychology (Fall or Spring) Apply through Education Advisor to formally “Declare” Major when PRAXIS CORE is passed: |
Pass PRAXIS CORE before completion of EMSE 2801 (Spring of Sophomore Year) See helpful PRAXIS CORE links above. |

IAcademic Major Curriculum | Education Curriculum | Certification |
Use Summer to re-take any first-year courses not passed. |
Am I ready to DECLARE?

If you answered YES to ALL of these questions, schedule an appointment with your EDUCATION advisor at which time you will DECLARE via Change of Undergraduate Major/Minor Status Form

Academic Major Curriculum | Education Curriculum | Certification |
Take courses as suggested on Curriculum Sheet/4-year Plan for your Academic Major (English, History, etc). Maintain MINIMUM GPA 3.0 |
Take education curriculum courses as suggested on Curriculum Sheet/4-year Plan: EDUC 3000: Curriculum, Evaluation, & the Learner EDUC 3401: Language Arts |

Academic Major Curriculum | Education Curriculum | Certification |
Take courses as suggested on Curriculum Sheet/4-year Plan for your Academic Major (English, History, etc) *History students should take HIST 3000, PRAXIS II Prep Course Maintain MINIMUM GPA 3.0
Take education curriculum courses as suggested on Curriculum Sheet/4-year Plan EMSE 3903: Teaching English Language Learners EMSE 3122: Technology in Education Apply for Clinical I Clinical I must be taken with co-requisite Education Courses (select with advisement)
Pass PRAXIS II in your Academic Major area. PRAXIS II must be passed prior to Clinical II (Spring semester of Senior Year) NOTE: PRAXIS exams are not free. Expect to pay $130-$175, depending on the test subject, for PRAXIS II. Submit PRAXIS II Scores to Education Advisor and Office of Clinical Practice and Teacher Placement (add link) Apply for Clinical I Office of Clinical Practice and Teacher Placement | Kean University For Clinical I and II Placement questions, contact: Email: |

Academic Major Curriculum | Education Curriculum | Certification |
Submit PRAXIS II Scores to Education Advisor and Office of Clinical Practice and Teacher Placement
Pass PRAXIS II in your Academic area (if not already done) |

If you answered YES to ALL of the questions, you should receive an invitation to apply for Clinical Practice I from the Office of Clinical Practice in mid semester. If you did not receive an invitation, contact Hennings Hall 211, Phone: (908) 737-3790, Email: ASAP.
Make an appointment with your EDUCATION advisor to obtain approval to register for and apply to Clinical Practice I for the following semester.
Candidates should immediately get fingerprinted, complete a criminal background check, and apply for a substitute credential ( and click on the link for " Process to Apply for A Substitute or CTE Substitute Credential.")
Candidates must also submit a copy of their PRAXIS score report to the Office of Clinical Practice before the end of the semester.
NOTE: attend MANDATORY Clinical I Orientation Meeting, held in August and January. Email for further information.
Fourth Year

Academic Major Curriculum | Education Curriculum | Certification |
Maintain MINIMUM GPA 3.0 Take Academic Capstone Course (cannot be taken with Clinical II) Take other courses as suggested on Curriculum Sheet/4-year Plan for your Academic Major (English, History, etc)
Clinical I must be taken with co-requisite Education Courses (select with advisement) Must take Clinical I and Clinical II in contiguous semesters Clinical II placements do not require a formal application. Once a student passes PRAXIS II, (CLINICAL1) students are automatically placed for Clinical 2, pending the passing of PRAXIS 2. |
Pass PRAXIS II in your Academic area (if not already done) Must pass PRAXIS II before registering for Clinical II Submit PRAXIS II Scores to Education Advisor and Office of Clinical Practice and Teacher Placement Must take Clinical I and Clinical II in contiguous semesters Clinical II placements do not require a formal application. Once a student passes PRAXIS II, (CLINICAL1) students are automatically placed for Clinical 2, pending the passing of PRAXIS 2. |
Prepping for Clinical II:

NOTE: attend MANDATORY Clinical II Orientation Meeting, held in August and January. Email for further information.

Academic Major Curriculum | Education Curriculum | Certification |
DO NOT take academic content courses WHILE you are taking EMSE 4811 Clinical II
Take education curriculum courses as suggested on Curriculum Sheet/4-year Plan, including: EMSE 4811: Clinical II EDUC 4000 or SPED 4200 (for TSD) Complete and Pass edTPA |
Complete and Pass edTPA “What is edTPA?”: edTPA | Kean University All candidates submitting edTPA in a particular semester are required to submit the completed Kean edTPA Support Guidelines available through Chalk & Wire. For additional information, contact: Sehba Mahmood, Ph.D. Coordinator of edTPA at Kean University Telephone (908) 737-3856 Email Apply for Certification |
Graduation and Certification
Academic Major Curriculum | Education Curriculum | Certification |
Apply for Graduation via Registrar (January for May graduation)
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Apply for certification |

The Office of Teacher Certification and Alternate Route Programs endorses the licensure for candidates seeking New Jersey certification for Initial Teacher Programs(BA/MA Tracks), as well as Endorsement Areas in English as a Second Language, Early Childhood P-3, Bilingual Education and Teacher of Student with Disabilities. In addition, all Education Leadership and Education Services Programs will also be endorsed by this office.
Certification applications must be submitted to the Office of Teacher Certification in order for candidates to receive a license from the New Jersey Department of Education.
For more information, see
Kean University has the following Non-Degree Alternate Route Programs: Early Childhood, P-3 and English as a Second Language, K-12.
Admission requirements are: The completion of a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science degree or Master of Arts or Master of Science degree with an overall 3.0 GPA ( If you graduated prior to September 2016- the GPA of 2.75 is acceptable)
A copy of your CE, Certificate of Eligibility from the Department of Education
Proof of completion of the 50 hour Pre-Service Workshop. Provide the signed copy of the Verification of Program Completion form. IF YOU HAVE NOT COMPLETED THE 50 HOUR PRE-SERVICE WORKSHOP, YOU MAY DO SO BY ENROLLING IN THIS REQUIREMENT AT KEAN UNIVERSITY. CLICK HERE TO ENROLL
Official copies of transcripts from all Colleges attended
Personal Statement
Interview with the Office of Teacher Certification and Alternate Programs before enrolling in classes. An Intake Teacher Readiness Questionnaire will be provided.
TOEFL or IELTS score reports
For more information, see
For Alternate Route FAQs, see