Career Readiness Resources

At Kean, we believe in equipping students and alumni with the skills they need to be successful in their career journey while empowering them to find an internship or job to launch their careers. That all starts with making sure you're #CougarCareerReady!
What's career readiness? As defined by the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE), career readiness is key to ensuring your successful entrance into the workforce. Career readiness is the foundation upon which your successful career is launched. Career readiness is, quite simply, the new career currency. This includes helping you with your resume, preparing you for interviews (whether virtual, via phone or face-to-face) and providing guidance to help you secure your ideal internship or employment opportunity.
If you're wondering how you can get started on becoming #CougarCareerReady, the Office of Career Services has you covered! We have great tools to help you write an outstanding resume, LinkedIn profile, a great cover letter and become an eloquent interviewer! It all starts with downloading your copy of the Kean Career Resource Guide, logging onto VMock and working with your Career Advisor to start developing your skills and career materials.
Review and reach out to have a member of the Career Services team offer you continuous support!
Use the Kean Career Resource Guide

Use VMock, the Most Avanced AI-driven Career Assistant

Learn How to Leverage Your LinkedIn

Take Recommended LinkedIn Learning Courses

Questions? Contact Kean’s Career Services at or (908) 737-0320. For alumni, please click here.